Marriage : The Unaccounted COVID Casualty – Get Me a Divorce

Get Me a Divorce

Marriage : The Unaccounted COVID Casualty

Last fifteen months of Covid 19 has taken a toll on every one’s lives, be it jobs, businesses, education n personal relationships. Unfortunately marital lives have been torn apart in great numbers. When talking about marriage in the context and times of Covid-19, people usually talk about the difficulties of getting married given restrictions and lockdowns across the world. Many have had to scale down or postpone the nuptials, some opting to cancel altogether, in hopes of marital bliss once the pandemic is past.

Missing, most often from the conversation is the toll that the pandemic has taken on the marriages that already existed.

The pandemic has not only put a strain on people’s health, for many it has put a greater strain on their marriages. As the world closed down, couples have found themselves on the outer edge of tolerance with their spouses. Tallying the unprecedented increase in the number of divorces filed across the world, experts believe that the break-up peak is yet to be seen.

For many, Covid-19 has been the final nail in the coffin for a marriage that was already on its last legs. Sangeeta* (34) and Vijay* (36) found themselves unable to cope with constantly being in the same house, with no respite in sight. Both busy corporate professionals had found it easy to ignore the cracks in their relationship with long work hours and frequent business trips. Now, they found each other’s mere presence grating, each realising that to keep their marriage going would cost them not only their peace of mind but also careers. With both spouses seeking an unfettered refuge in which to live their lives, they filed for divorce on mutual terms.

They clearly, aren’t the only ones, and most aren’t as lucky to be able to pursue separation on mutual grounds. The pandemic has attacked marriages on multiple fronts. Women have been forced to re-consider the marriages because they are mostly faced with keeping regular work hours and commitments while also tending to the home in the absence of domestic help. In India, given cultural conditioning most men are either reluctant or incapable of a meaningful contribution on this front. For men on the other hand, many have lost their jobs, suffered drastic pay-cuts and financial stresses that have resulted in untenable conditions at home, with no where to escape.

Just like in western countries like the US and UK, India too has seen a ten-fold increase in online searched for advice about ending relationships. Unlike those countries, unfortunately, in India practical and legally sound advice on the topic is hard to come by. We are a country that still shies away from the topic and even our progressive online portals usually talk about the outdated concepts of ‘compromise and adjustments’.

With Get Me Divorce, we want to change that. Accepting and acknowledging that you need to end what might have been the best relationship of your life is perhaps one of the hardest decisions that you have taken, no matter how long or short your marriage might have been. At this point, we want to be the one non-biased and easily accessible resource for you. For us, you’ve already done the hard work by coming here, let us help you un-complicate this process and start the next chapter of your life – on your own terms.

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